Synthetic substances, fabrics or even food have somehow managed to penetrate our daily life to unseen before scale. Needless to say, all is done in the name of progress, comfort and ease. However, it seems that people miss or refuse to recognize an important point in all this. What are the long term consequences? The use of synthetic household cleaners is a good example of how we try to clean our homes with products which have a reputation for toxicity.
Can we accept to sacrifice our greatest treasure (no, I don’t have in mind a house, shares in a company or even gold) – but our health for the sake of comfort and speed? And even if you conduct a proper research, you may find that commercial cleaners are not more effective that a bunch of natural cleaning substances known and used by our ancestors for thousands of years. I have done my homework on the topic and the results are quite astonishing.
Below I have described three of the most potent natural cleaning products and added a few useful sources for further reading.
White Vinegar
In today’s world of synthetic formulas we still use a product discover by chance some 10,000 years ago – white vinegar. It’s a versatile substance with lots of useful applications in our life – it can be used as a condiment and preservative, beverage and even in medicine. It’s solvent properties can be harnessed to clean all types of fabrics and surfaces from grime and dirt.
- You can prevent mildew from appearing on the bottoms of carpets and rugs by spraying their backs with undiluted white vinegar.
- Now you don’t have to spend hundreds on all purpose cleaners. Make yours at home by mixing one part vinegar to 2 parts tap water. Add a few drops of a preferred dishwashing liquid.
- Fabrics are like a magnet for stains. But tough stains from juice, mustard or coffee shouldn’t be a problem for you if you treat the spot with vinegar. All you have to do is to rub the stain and then wash as usual.
If you like to learn more about various applications of vinegar in daily life here is an excellent article.
Baking Soda
Even the participants in the world-famous Manhattan Project were able to appreciate the usefulness of baking soda when it comes to cleaning. They decontaminated their clothing from depleted uranium washing clothes with baking soda. But even one of the best brains in human history weren’t the first to spot the benefits of using baking soda to clean. Thousands of years before them the ancient Egyptians cleansed their bodies with natron.
- Cooking is a messy job. Even frying a few eggs can leave a kitchen in a disarray. Not to speak about preparing a more complicated and time consuming dishes. Normally, your oven is in less that a satisfactory condition. But don’t despair. Sprinkle liberally baking soda mixed with salt over the bottom of the oven. Spray water to dampen the area and let it sit overnight. In the morning scrub well. Then scoop along baking soda and grime and rinse with water.
- Baking soda can help you keep your hard flooring free of dirt and grime avoiding the risk of scratching it. Dissolve ½ a cup of baking soda into a bucket of warm water. Mop and rinse for a really sparkling floor.
- Mix ¼ cup of baking soda in a quart of warm water. Then add the juice from a half of lemon. Use this solution to clean stained coffee pots and mugs.
Here is an excellent article about cleaning with baking soda.
Hydrogen Peroxide
It’s cheap, it’s natural and it’s effective. What more could you require from a cleaning product? Described for the first time in 1818 hydrogen peroxide is anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal substance, perfect for cleansing. Instead of using highly toxic synthetic formulas, rely for home cleaning and sanitation chores on a healthier option.
- You can use hydrogen peroxide to disinfect and sanitize your bathroom. As one of the most frequented room in the house, it’s a tough job to keep in clean at all times. And if harsh chemicals are no good for you anymore, then you need a viable substitute. Admix tap water and 3% hydrogen peroxide (1 to 1 parts) into a spray bottle. Feel free to soak your bathroom with the solution and eliminate germs and foul odours.
- Hydrogen peroxide will help in the kitchen, too. You can apply the 3% solution straight on your counters and tops. Use a clean cloth to wipe the surface after that. Dilute some in a spray bottle with tap water to keep your fridge or kid’s lunch box clean.
- Use hydrogen peroxide as a substitute for bleach in your laundry. It can be utilized to remove blood stains as well. Here you can find more about hydrogen peroxide’s uses in our daily routine.
Choosing all natural cleaners is by far the logical option if you want to protect your family and our Planet. Though it might seem difficult to change your habits at first, it will be a lot more beneficial in the long term.
Author Bio: This post is submitted by Petar Bo who has been sharing valuable insights about proper home cleaning and maintenance issues such as how to maintain your carpets clean since he became content manager for