
Why You Need Your Garage Floor Sealed

file0001501138621Your garage is simply a large covered structure with a slab of concrete for your car, tools, and lawn items to be stored in, right? Yes it is, but to keep your garage in good shape you need to give it a little TLC so it can continue to protect your items. Upkeep to your garage is just as important as upkeep for the outside of your home. Your siding and roof get replaced over time or cleaned to ensure proper functionality – the same should be done to your garage floor and here are some reasons why:

Prevent Cracks – While a concrete floor may seem thoroughly solid, it actually does have a porous quality. There are little holes in concrete and over time water can seep into those holes. Water collected in these small crevices expand and contract with the seasons and eventually show up as large cracks in your floor. This damage fractures the concrete slab, which means replacing the entire concrete flooring. Sealing your garage floor prevents water from getting into the concrete and creating cracks and fractures.

Prevent stains – Just like the water mentioned above can seep into holes in the concrete, so can oils, chemicals, fertilizers and other liquids. These liquids stain your flooring, which not only looks bad but is also a safety hazard. The liquids not only settle into the concrete, creating similar problems as water by becoming cracks over time, but also stay on top of the floor producing slick areas. These slick areas are dangerous to work on for personal footing and placing tools or items that need to be stationary. By sealing your floor, you keep the dangerous oil slicks at bay and make cleaning liquid spills a lot easier since you don’t need abrasive materials to scrub the concrete clean.

Even surface – As mentioned, concrete is porous and does not have an entirely even surface. Tools can move, slip or become unstable if they are not used on properly even surfaces.  Garage sealers come in a variety of substances that will even out your floor and even provide gripping texture to keep your heavy tools properly in place.

Bonus:  Better lighting – Aside from the reasons listed above, another bonus to having your garage sealed is better lighting. Sealers come in a variety of colors now with reflective qualities that can enhance the lighting in your garage. This makes working in your garage safer because you can see more with a reflective surface refracting light from overhead ceiling lamps.

The key to a proper garage sealing is having an expert do the job. Have your garage floor professionally sealed by the Winston-Salem painters at CertaPro this winter!